Terms of Use
The following terms of use apply to all users:
The use of the functions made available to the user on Amateurpin.xxx is free of charge, the user can acquire further special premium functions through a paid premium membership.
The user assures that all contributions submitted by him are free of third party rights and that the publication on amateurpin.xxx is desired and the content does not violate applicable laws. The user releases the operator from any third-party claims and accepts full responsibility for his/her actions and any claims for damages that may arise. All racist, untrue, insulting or derogatory posts are also prohibited. At the request of the authorities, the operator will provide the necessary data for the identification and prosecution of the user.
Personal data is only used for specific purposes. This includes sending newsletters, notification of new news, checking access authorizations or making contact as necessary for editorial operations.
The distribution of advertising via messages, comments, the profile or publication in other areas is not permitted. This applies in particular to the dissemination of premium rate numbers, premium SMS, commercial web addresses. The description of a service in the user profiles with the note "Financial interests" is permitted, the same applies to the descriptions of the adverts in the hobby whores area where the financial interests are clear from the outset. If this general advertising ban is violated, the registered member agrees to pay a contractual penalty of 1000 euros. Advertisements with a financial background include all offers that directly or indirectly offer products or services that are subject to a charge. The posting of fictitious, so-called "fake" adverts is expressly prohibited.
Violations of these terms of use will be penalised by, among other things, blocking the account. Blocked members have no right to claim damages. This applies in particular in the event that amounts for a Premium Membership are not paid or a so-called chargeback occurs. The claim against the Premium Member does not expire in this case.
The operator assumes no responsibility for the accuracy of the content published on amateurpin.xxx, for its legality or for the fulfillment of copyright regulations in connection with the content published on amateurpin.xxx. The operator assumes no liability for damages resulting from the use of the offer.
The respective advertiser is responsible for the advertisements or advertising. The operator assumes no liability for external links and the content of the associated websites.
The information provided on the domain amateurpin.xxx may not be reproduced in any form or processed, duplicated or distributed using electronic systems without the written permission of the operators.
Paid Services (Premium Services)
Unless expressly stated otherwise, all paid premium memberships are subscriptions, with the stated costs being debited monthly or every 6 months, depending on the tariff. This excludes payments by bank transfer or via the Sofortüberweisung service, as well as payments by mobile phone.
The discounted 7-day trial access is automatically extended after the trial period has expired by the specified amount for a regular monthly or 6-month membership.
It is the customer's responsibility to cancel their subscription in a timely manner (at the latest 24 hours before the displayed expiry date) using the relevant function on the website if they no longer wish to renew. The customer is solely responsible for all costs resulting from late termination, unless there is proven to be a technical problem and the customer has contacted our support promptly using the means of communication offered.
If one of the provisions above is wholly or partially void or legally ineffective, this does not affect the effectiveness of the other provisions. In such a case, amateurpin.xxx and the user undertake to make such a provision that is legally effective and comes closest to the purpose of the contract. If amateurpin.xxx and the user cannot find such a provision, the law will replace the legally ineffective or void provision.
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